Friday, July 26, 2019

Its Beautiful To Be Respected For Your Skill Than Being Loved For your Beauty.!

Photo Credits: Nouman Ahmed, fb page_Arts by Nouman Ahmed

One of the first thing which comes in our minds when we think of woman is “ beauty” other than human instincts credit goes to beauty industry which made it a compulsory factor. Beauty has always been a trade from stone ages till to date including fine jewels crafted with stones and molluscan shells to the recent trends of cosmetic surgeries. As desire of woman to stay young and beautiful kept on growing, the industry kept on flourishing. Since 20th century, the industry introduced new trends and achieved many milestones being a business growing 5.9% annually and experienced least or no inflation. 

I exactly remember the day I met a young, energetic and of course beautiful Saima Imran in an institution I started my career a few years back. She stopped me in the mid of stairs we were crossing and said, “Look there are lots of good products available in the market which help you look fresh whether you spent your nights sleeping, working, reading or simply changing diapers one after another- get a few for you”. I smiled and moved on but took the advice seriously. A new quest started and I realized that its not exactly the prize of product but of feminism which most of women are paying because majority of skin care products for men with similar ingredients and same brand tag are available in quite economical price. There are multiple factors which control the price of a particular category/product. One of the most important is product demand in targeted market. At times, need actually exists but most of the times its created in the minds of audience through proper marketing and management. Like you have to wash your hair to keep them clean is a need, but a shampoo with keratin or multivitamin or essential oils to transform hairs into silk, that’s a need created. And usually in this era it became easier than ever to create unlimited needs associated with beauty. Because majority of us still believe that being woman beauty is a Must.

Beauty has always been a must since human existence but the perceptions of beauty kept on evolving and still growing. In different civilizations the concept of beauty is different and facing perpetual change. Some cultures has also set difficult and painful standards. Like Chinese consider small feet as a beauty symbol and some cultures still practice casing young girls feet into metallic molds so that their feet don’t grow in size- and all this associated with marrying a nice man in future. Hello??? In Thailand similar rituals are associated with long neck, woman wear metallic rings around their necks. Some African tribes still cut lips of young woman so that don’t kept by enemies during wars as they are no longer beautiful. In India, they cut hairs of widows as they now don’t belong to any man and hence don’t deserve to show their beauty. And it’s a kind of never ending list of different cultures.

Regardless of any nation or any particular society till to date women are raised in a way that they stay more than conscious about their beauty. May be because generation after generation we have accepted this very much human instinct as a source of admiration. Admiration for one and negligence of other who doesnt fit in our narrow concept of beauty. In my opinion it’s not beauty, its beauty sickness. This beauty concept of masking color tones and shaping features is becoming more challenging for today’s woman who wants her recognition other than just being beautiful.

 I share with all the responsibility and pain that these are not actually societal standards set for woman but woman herself who has been the biggest barrier for her self-growth, emotional health and instinctive intelligence. Because that is woman who has chosen beauty over skill. she has an innate nature to love and be loved which she achieves either through total submission, service or beauty. Although man uses his emotional intelligence and innate intellect to mentor his skills unlike woman who has selected aesthetic aspects to be revered and of course exceptions are everywhere but this is a matter of global perception we have grown with passage of time.

 I often hear by many of my female and even male colleagues that it’s very challenging for a woman to move with all of her choices her way she made for herself in a manmade society. May be true in certain circumstances but how come a manmade society? Is a big question mark for me.! Women are giving birth to man, raising man, training man, educating man and setting him free to peruse things his way in his life for whatever he can be and wants to be. Then, how a manmade society? It’s a woman made society- Good or bad is a matter of another debate. We need to ACCEPT this great responsibility of which woman has always been hesitant. What you teach man today, he will become tomorrow. If woman can nurture nature of a man to excel his human instincts then why she surrendered it for herself???? and Persuaded beauty in longer run than achieving her innate skills in general.  And those who embraced their natural human intellect, they excelled as role models in every sphere of human activity. 

All beautiful woman out there, whether you are milking cows or cutting a rice field, working in a theatre or doing laundry, exploring gene codons or mining deepest parts of ocean, running  a space craft or making mud pots, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. You are beautiful beyond the perceptions of beauty. it’s a beautiful feeling to set yourself free from the concepts of right doing and wrong doing, it’s beautiful to free yourself from someone else criterion of beauty and to free yourself from any judgments. Being yourself purely is being beautiful and no one will do this for you untill you. Regardless of any culture and race, cast or nation, tall or dwarf, fair or dark------let your SKILL be your beauty-Its Better To Be Respected For Your Skill Than Being Loved For Your Beauty. Stay Beautiful💗

Thursday, July 25, 2019


I am Nazia Arshad and currently serving a public sector university in Karachi, Pakistan. Two things that take me in total silence and free me from time limits are traveling and writing. But somehow couldn’t manage time for both of them. And now when I look back, I realize that was me, who acted as a barrier. It often happens when we are in a state of conflict with our own emotional intelligence and allows it to rule us. It’s a wonderful feeling to set yourself free from being judged right and wrong and I have found it the calmest way to be in peace with your SELF. It taught me to embrace things with gratitude which is fundamental to be a functional part of the mystic nature of this universe where everything is in a state of gratitude. It's not a perfect approach but I am happy with it and it's kind of the same thing.

Café Present is simply to share what's coming my way and I'll keep sharing the way it is.